Vineyards Habsburg
The terms viticulture and vineyards are easily confused because they are used collectively for the cultivation of vines.
Viticulture refers only to the vineyard and work on it.
Winery is a broader term and refers to the whole process of wine preparation, i. e from cultivation to production.
You can invest in both parts of the company at the same time or choose only one of them.
We offer investments in the company’s shares, which may bring you dividends in the future, the amount of which according to estimates, can be considered above standard. The combination of wine production (Habsburg Winery) and vineyards (Habsburg Vineyards) can thus bring an effective return on investments that are known in the world and very popular among many investors. The limited size and growth of vineyards is a high precondition for the sustainable development of the value of vineyards and their investment potential. As well as the cultivation of wine up to its production. This is the opportunity brought to you by Vineyards Habsburg and Winery Habsburg.
Invest wisely and safely in values such as land and vineyards.
How does it work?
The Board of Directors of the Company approved an increase in the share capital by the amount of EUR 3 505 300 by issuing 35 053 registered ordinary shares in paper form, each with a nominal value of EUR 100.
Akcie sú ponúkané za emisný kurz, ktorý je totožný s ich menovitou hodnotou, t.j. za emisný kurz vo výške 100 EUR za jednu akciu.
The shares are offered at an issue price that is identical to their nominal value, i. e for an issue price of EUR 100 per share.
Step by Step
Decide how many shares you want to buy
Fill in and sign the Written Statement of the Shareholder's Will
Send us the completed form electronically
We also need the original, which you can send us by post
Funds for subscription of shares must be sent within 5 days
Now it's our turn
And at the end...
Do not hesitate to contact us